


gettin' to know me.


the deets.

Kelli O’Brien is a graduate of Indiana University, where she holds a BA in Journalism, with a focus in photography & multimedia storytelling. Kelli is an email marketing and social media dynamo, has a command of graphic design, and regularly secures print press for our clients with the top shelter magazines. Kelli hails from the southside of Chicago and maintains all of her midwestern sweetness. Prior to moving to San Francisco, she explored her love for fashion and photography while overseeing editorial content and managing social media platforms at CollegeFashionista and SnapFashion.


social | media

my passion for photography (& my love of travel, food & flowers) is evident on Instagram. my views on pop-culture phenomenons can be found on Twitter.

follow me @kellikob.

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travel is my number-one hobby. I've been to 12 different countries, interned at a start-up in London, studied renaissance art and creative writing in Florence, and interviewed survivors of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. i'm an avid reader, usually jumping back & forth between fiction novels and memoirs by female comedians. gluten-free baking is a hobby, in part because it's hard to find gf treats, and also because I'm really good at baking. 
